The Stop Wage Theft Lawyers are a group of some of the most successful wage and hour attorneys in America who have recovered over one-half of a billion dollars ($500,000,000.00) on behalf of collective/class action clients in the last few decades, most of which consisted of overtime back wages and liquidated (or “double”) damages.
Stop Wage Theft Lawyers have served as lead counsel throughout the U.S. from New York to California, and numerous states in between, and have obtained some of the largest judgments and settlements in class/collective action cases seeking overtime wages on behalf of employees in almost every industry.
Some of the representative Stop Wage Theft Lawyers back pay recoveries for employees in various industries include:
Restaurant Industry

● Cole v. Long John Silver’s – LJS was previously owned by YUM! Brands, Inc., and was one of the first, if not the first, arbitration overtime class actions certified under the American Arbitration Association class action rules involving approximately 5,000 managers and assistant managers across the country, resulting in $43 million dollar award, one of the largest Fair Labor Standards Act wage and hour awards in the history of the AAA.
● Belcher v. Shoney’s, Inc. – the Shoney’s Inc. case involved three separate multi-state class/collective Fair Labor Standards Act actions seeking overtime compensation on behalf of hourly-paid and exempt-classified managerial employees of Shoney’s restaurant chains, resulting in $18 million dollar recovery, then the largest known recovery on behalf of restaurant workers in the history of the Fair Labor Standards Act.
● Meadows v. Krystal Company and Brinkley v. Krystal Company – these lawsuits against the Krystal restaurant company cases were Fair Labor Standards Act collective actions seeking overtime compensation on behalf of a multi-state class of hourly-paid employees, resulting in a $13.84 million dollar recovery.
● Walker v. Ryan’s Family Steak Houses, Inc. – this Fair Labor Standards Act collective action on behalf of hourly servers, cooks, and other restaurant workers in which the court denied defendant’s motion to compel arbitration, resulting in a $13.5 million dollar recovery.
● Chhibber v. Taco Bell Corp. – this California class action seeking overtime compensation on behalf of Taco Bell managers resulted in a $20 million dollar recovery.
Delivery Drivers/Route Salesmen

● Evans v. Coca-Cola – the Coca-Cola case was a California class action seeking overtime pay on behalf of approximately 1,240 account managers resulting in a $20.2 million dollar recovery, then the largest known recovery on behalf of workers in California history challenging the outside sales exemption.

Service Industry

Manufacturing Industry

Insurance Industry

Real Estate Industry

Health Care Industry

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Cases Won

